
Myth: Most trials occur at a large university or pharmaceutical company
Fact: Although the trial may be sponsored by a university or pharmaceutical company, patients are actually seen at dozens or even hundreds of offices and clinics around the country and world.

Myth: Clinical trials are dangerous because the medications and treatments are new.
Fact: Although there is some level of risk, participants only receive medication and treatments that have undergone extensive testing. An advantage of a trial is that you will receive a thorough evaluation and be followed very closely during the trial.

Myth: Participating in a clinical trial won’t help me
Fact: Studies show that patients who participate in a clinical trial have outcomes at least as good, if not better than the general patient population. And for patients who don’t otherwise have access to care, a trial may be a road to get treatment.

Myth: It’s expensive to participate and not covered by insurance
Fact: The cost of the trial is covered by the sponsor of the trial. This includes, office visits, lab work, x-rays, medication, etc. Typically, you will even be reimbursed for your time and travel expenses. You will still be responsible for healthcare not associated with the trial.

Myth: If I participate in a trial, I won’t be able to get out until it’s done
Fact: Participation in a clinical trial is completely voluntary. A patient can withdraw from a trial at any time for any reason without penalty and continue any needed care in the usual fashion.

Myth: Someone else will do it. I’ll wait
Fact: 20% of all clinical trials fail because they don’t get the number of required participants to conduct the trial. 30% of clinical trials are delayed for the same reason. Yes, you can make a difference.

Signature Gyn Services Women's Health Clinical Trials Research Studies Fort Worth Texas

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